Michael Ricchiuto MPT, EMT-P has been naturally keeping people pain-free since 2001.

Free Report Reveals...

The 7 Best Kept Secrets for eliminating Neck and Shoulder pain?

  • Learn how to avoid the neck and shoulder movements that have been keeping you in continuous pain.

  • Learn how to naturally overcome neck and shoulder pain without the need for medication and surgery.

  • How to eliminate the 7 types of impairments that are limiting your physical lifestyle.

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Blake Warren-Cranberry, PA

"I seriously thought that I was headed straight into surgery until I read this information. Then I had a conversation with Michael and now I am completely free of pain."

Kevin Blanarik-Pittsburgh, PA

"Without this report there is no way that I would have been able to to overcome the neck and shoulder pain that I had before my competition. I would have quit. The pain and immobility has never come back.”